Mig-Health Apps

Mig-Health Apps develops a health training programme for migrants

Mig-Health Apps project has completed the co-design phase. For this purpose, Co-Design sessions have been held in all the countries participating in the Project (Spain, Greece, Cyprus, Germany, Italy, France), with the participation of 75 people in total, 39 migrants and 36 professionals from different sectors acting as support to migrants.

As a result of the sessions, needs and suggestions were identified and will be considered in the training programme being developed. Participants showed interest in a number of health-related topics, such as the adoption of healthy lifestyles, some chronic diseases, pregnancy, newborn care and also mental health. The most prominent barriers to the adoption of health apps were language and difficulty of use. Suggestions for the training programme include a section with a practical presentation of their use and a repository of health resources to call upon in various situations.