been increasing in recent years.

to improve the well-being of migrants.
About the Project
The aim of our project is to increase the competences of Migrants for using Health Apps. According to that, the project has the following general objectives:
To develop an Experiential Training Methodology for increasing the awareness and competences of Migrants for using Health Apps, based in a “learning by doing” approach, where they will be involved in self-management situations and will use real Health Apps and applied them to their own personal conditions, in order to get familiar with these processes and technologies in a friendly and supported environment.
To develop a set of Training Resources for enhancing the adoption of Health Apps by Migrants through the implementation of the experiential training methodology adapted to the learning processes and interests of Migrants.
To develop an e-Training Platform supported by and App Training Tool, for supporting the implementation of the experiential training methodology, including the access to the training resources and automatized search of applicable existing Health Apps.
To implement pilot training actions for validating the quality of the training program and its capacity for increasing the competences of Migrants regarding the use of Health Apps for improving their health self-management.
To increase the awareness of the related stakeholders at national and EU level on the potential of using Health Apps for improving the health self-management of Migrants and commitment with the future exploitation of the training program.

Target Group
The target groups and stakeholders include:
Newcomer Migrants: Migrant persons recently arrived in an EU country.
Migrants Peers: Migrants already established and integrated in the country that could support newcomer migrants in their local communities, often belonging to local associations and persons supporting Migrants.
Supports of Migrants: being mainly professionals working in social services and/or non-for-profit organizations.
A Trainer’s Guide for enhancing the implementation of the Experiential Training Methodology by the trainers, including an extended description of Learning objectives and content, techniques, didactic model and methodology, design of Experiential Training Activities, organization and technical requirements, assessment process.
The Training Package is addressed to trainers (Train the Trainers) and includes the following training resources:
- A set of training materials including information for increasing the awareness, motivation and knowledge of Migrants on how to improve their own self-management through the use of Health Apps.
- A set of practical tools for supporting the practical implementation the Experiential Training Activities
building the training methodology - A structured selection of Health APPs for Migrants.
Include relevant contents on the following topics:
- Self-Management and empowerment
- What are Health Apps?
- Health Apps for Migrants
The e-Training platform supports the specific e-training scenarios including the implementation of the Training Activities and the structured online access to the Training Materials.
Mobile Application
Mobile application for mobile smart phones and tablets.
The user will be able to download and access the content of the Mig-Health Apps materials.