Health apps: online checklist helps with assessment


he number of health apps is constantly increasing and with it the need for users to find the “right” app among the multitude of possible apps. An online checklist from the German association “Aktionsbündnis Patientensicherheit” can help with the selection and use of health apps. The check-list is available in several languages.

It is a simple and linguistically easy-to-understand tool, specifically for migrants who are not yet very familiar with the language of their country of residence. As a checklist, it is also a useful addition to the training units of the MIG HEALTH APPS project.

The answers to 21 questions are used to provide a criteria-based assessment of the app or a recommendation to reconsider its use. The aim is not to tick all or a minimum number of statements, as this is not an assessment of the medical benefits or scientific accuracy of the information or recommendations pro-vided by health apps. Rather, the most important aspects are summarised in a brief evaluation of what users should pay particular attention to when using the evaluated health apps and what benefits and risks may arise from their use.

Under no circumstances should an app replace a personal medical consultation, as only a doctor or therapist can judge which treatment is the right one.

Aktionbündnis Patientensicherheit as a platform

The Aktionsbündnis Patientensicherheit is a non-profit association founded in 2005. Representatives of the healthcare professions, their associations, patient organisations, industry and business have jointly established this platform. It serves to improve patient safety in Germany and is committed to safe healthcare. The alliance is also dedicated to researching, developing and disseminating suitable methods for this purpose. The following basic rules characterise the association’s work:

  • Credibility through independence
  • Pooling of expertise
  • Multidisciplinary networking
  • From practice for practice

The checklist is available in four languages: German, English, French and Italian.

Click here for the checklist:

Homepage of the action alliance:

(Authoress: Karin Drda-Kühn / media k GmbH)

Picture credits: Pixabay CC